MediaWiki cheat sheet

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Revision as of 21:26, 13 April 2012 by Nxhack (talk | contribs)
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この MediaWiki の設定・運用メモ(忘れるので...)

  • Update を確認
  • 使っている extentions も確認
Extension:SyntaxHighlight GeSHi
  • LocalSettings.php の設定

PHP のメモリー設定

ini_set( 'memory_limit', '128M' );

MemCached の設定

$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_MEMCACHED;
$wgMemCachedServers = array('');
$wgSessionsInMemcached = true;
$wgUseMemCached = true;


$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;
$wgDefaultUserOptions ['editsection'] = false;
$wgDisableAnonTalk = true;


$wgAllowExternalImages = true;

varnish の設定

$wgUseSquid = true;
$wgSquidServers = array( '' , '' );
$wgSquidServersNoPurge = array('');
$wgDisableCounters = true;
$wgShowIPinHeader = false;
  • Skin (Vector) の設定

MediaWiki:Vector.css の設定

#ca-talk { display:none!important; }
#ca-history { display:none!important; }
#ca-viewsource { display:none!important; }
/* #footer-info-lastmod { display:none; } */
#footer-info-copyright { display:none; }
#footer-places-privacy { display:none; }
#footer-places-about { display:none; }
#footer-places-disclaimer { display:none; }
#footer-poweredbyico { display:none; }

MediaWiki:Privacy | MediaWiki:Privacypage | MediaWiki:Aboutsite | MediaWiki:Aboutpage | MediaWiki:Disclaimers | MediaWiki:Disclaimerpage にハイフン '-' を設定

MediaWiki:Common.css の設定

#f-poweredbyico { display: none; }
#footer-icon-poweredby { display: none; }
#footer-icon-poweredbyico { display: none; }
#footer-poweredbyico { display: none; }